Walk the Walk

»Walk the Walk«, Düsseldorf, Chongqing 2018
one-channel video, ca 21 min.
March 30, 2020. 8 – 10:30 pm
Düsseldorf, Luisenstraße between Pionierstraße and Ernst-Reuter-Platz.

A private window, a public space, a recordative walk from Chongqing, a new encounter with #socialdistance in Duesseldorf. In 2018 Duesseldorf based artists Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber had a walk in Chongqing. In this city they followed the same route which was their routine from their home to their studio in Duesseldorf.

As part of  »Open window – Art goes on in coronavirus time«
TAIFUN project»»

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