26. November 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für ANT!FOTO BAR, Sumiyoshi Edition
Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber were awarded the MO_Kunstpreis, Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U. The exhibition shows the ANT!FOTO BAR including a selection of (rare) book, regarding Japanese artists groups like Gutai, EXPO70 Osaka, books about photography, theorie, some zines and mangas. Also a collection of zines and books by Stuke & Sieber from the last years. In the exhibition you find various other bodies of work like »Sumiyoshi Walk« a grid of 36 photographic prints of a »Walk« in Sumiyoshi, Osaka, following Norio Imai’s »Walking Event« from 1977. The bar also includes two video-monitors with two further walks »Nishinari« and »Ikuno« and also three unique marquettes of »Rain Dogs and Stray Cats, Kotobuki-Cho«, »Walk the Walk, Chongqing« or »Aubervilliers«. Another TV-monitors shows »Fax from the Library, Japan Edition«. Visitors are invited to take their time, sit down and read the books.
Jan 24, 2025 5 pm Artist Talk with Katja Stuke, Oliver Sieber and Nicole Grothe (head of collection) more »»
Exhibition of Short Films on 5 Screens by Brian Allen / chairo no cappccino / Mark Chua & Lam Li Shuen / Warren Decker, Michael Salovaara & Erik Sakuragi / Guadalupe Galván / Jerry Gordon / Jere Kilpinen / Tanya Kim / Meeko Koike / Laurent Lavolé / Michael J. Migliacci / Mika Pätilä / Tintin Patrone / Megumi Qingshui Shimizu / Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber / Kozue Sugiura / Kaori Yoshikawa / Yuzuru / Gertjan Zuilhof
16. Mai 2021 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für WerkStadt Takeover
May 23 – 28, 2021 Working in Katernberg, Essen Since 2017, Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber have been working on a „Cartographie dynamique“, a constantly growing network of places and themes. The „Cartographie dynamique“ is based on a specific method of walking, where details then become recognisable and which leads to the understanding of connections with other places with which the artists have already come into contact or which only emerge from this process. It’s a process of a constantly expanding network between Japan, China, Paris and the Ruhrarea until now.
In Judith Samen’s kitchen. Works by: Sonja Alhäuser, Arpad Dobriban, Christine Erhard, Corina Gertz, Simone van gen Hassend, Andrea C. Hoffer, Claudia van Koolwijk, Anke Lohrer, Katharina Maderthaner, Lorenzo Pompa, Martina Sauter, Thyra Schmidt, Jo Spence, Michel Sauer, Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber, Juergen Staack, Meghan Francis Sullivan, Tilo&Toni, Katharina Veerkamp, Nele Waldert. judithsamen.com/
6. Oktober 2020 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Moon over Konohana
Moon over Konohana Dialogausstellung mit Katja Stuke und Henguchi Japanisches Kulturinstitut / Japan Foundation, Köln 6 Nov — 19. Dez 2020 Eröffnung: Freitag, 6 Nov 2020, 19 Uhr, Einführung: Dr. Verena Meis Zur Ausstellung erscheint eine Publikation. Anmeldung»» zur Vernissage ab 16 Okt 2020