
Böhm Zines »»

25 Years »»

Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber.
La Ville Invisible.

312 pages, 20 x 28 cm, 148 photographs
Ed. of 300 copies.

with a text by Jochen Becker (engl.)
and an interview by  Ivan Vartanian with Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber (engl.)

a Böhm Kobayashi publication
with the support of VG Bildkunst.

EUR 32

Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber.
Sakae Osugi. Anarchiste Japonais.

240 pages, 10,8 x 150 cm, 110 photographs
Ed. of 500 copies.

with a text by Marie Tesson (fran.)

Nouveau Palais
With the support of the
Centre national des arts plastiques.

EUR 18

A magazine about Photography, Street & City, Music & Street Culture published by Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber

Including interwiews with Damarice Amao, Hannah Darabi & Benoit Grimbert, Paul Grund, Myr Muratet, Natacha Nisic, Pascale Obolo, Christian Omodeo and DJ Sundae. And a text by Mark Feustel.

26 pages, 23 x 31 cm
Ed. of 500 copies.


Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
Prologue: Le Monde de Demain

430 x 310 mm, 24 pages
Ed of 150 copies

EUR 18

Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber

with a text by Kerstin Meincke dt./eng.
244 pages; 20 x 28 cm
soft-cover, thread-binding
supported by: Kunststiftung NRW
Verlag Kettler / Böhm Kobayashi

Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber

Portfolio incl. 120 pigment prints

see the whole portfolio »»

contact for more information »»

Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
»Paris, 8 Dec 2018—La Ville Lumière
Text: Florian Ebner
20 × 28 cm. 228 pages, 113 images.
ISBN 979-10-94060-33-9.
published by Boehm Kobayashi Éditions GwinZegal
EUR 28,–
order here»»

31,7 x 43,7 cm
24 pages Offset print
EUR 5,– plus shipping
order here»»

Interviews (in German and English) on the topic of music, fashion and art – based on books from our library – with: Detlef Weinrich aka Tolouse Lowtrax; Sebastian Lux / Stiftung FC Gundlach; Flora Rüegg; Andrzej Steinbach; Fujimura Family; Adam Murray; Ronja Schwikowski; Hanayo; BIEST Berlin; Kyoichi Tsuzuki; Judith Samen; Philipp Maiburg; Lukas Heerich; Tina Miyake; Lesley A. Martin; Yurie Nagashima

Offcially released: July 23, 2021
Katja Stuke »Supernatural«
36 pages, with 20 colour plates
32 x 45,5 cm, digital print
#150 copies, published by Böhm Kobayashi
EUR 18,– plus shipping
order here»»

Oliver Sieber
56 full colour images, 20,5 cm x 28 cm,
digital offset print on 90 gr natural paper, stapelbound, softcover
published by Böhm  Kobayashi 2020
edition of #100 copies, numbered
incl. a signed and numbered color copy of raindogs and stray cats
EUR 38,–
order here»»

Katja Stuke, Oliver Sieber, Sven Vieweg
»Metastabile Balance«

incl.: »Scan — Copy/Copy — Scan« 2 unique Xerox Prints 
by Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber, numbered and signed 
»Transparent People« Soundflakes on 2 infinite cassettes 
by Sven Vieweg 
in a box: 225 x 313 x 20 mm 
ed. of #15 copies, numbered and signed 

1-5: 180 EUR; #6-10: 220 EUR; #11-15: 280 EUR
order here»»

Katja Stuke
»Supernatural 2021«

36 pages, with 20 colour plates
32 x 45,5 cm, digital print
#150 copies
published by Böhm Kobayashi
EUR 18,– plus shipping
order here»»

Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
Cities change the Songs of Birds
Böhm #49
20 pages, color Xerox print, ed. of 3 + #35 copies, numbered
EUR 10,– plus shipping

Oliver Sieber »Album«
124 foldout pages, 66 colour images, 26,5 cm x 22 cm,
digital offset print on Munken natural paper, stapelbound,
softcover, published by Böhm  Kobayashi
edition of #100 copies, numbered
EUR 48,–  plus shipping
Order here:

Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
Sequence as a Dialogue
Exhibition Catalogue
EUR 20,–
Kettler Verlag»»

All publications we ever did – between 1999 – July 2019. (two more since then…) incl. some unpublished marquettes and unique copies.

Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
New World — Shin Sekai
Böhm #47
32 pages, digital offset, thread binding
210 x 297 cm
3 Ed. of each 35 copies, numbered
EUR 10,– plus shipping


Oliver Sieber »For Sale«
108 pages, 20 x 27 cm, digital print
softcover, a CD including camera-sounds
edition of #75 copies + 25 AP, numbered
85,– EUR


Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber »Japanese Lesson«
Artist Book, 1260 pages
Edition of 5 + 5 AP
(more about the project»»)

Katja Stuke, Sky Electric
32 pages, back and white digital offset, no binding
210 x 297 cm
Ed of 100 copies
EUR 20,– plus shipping

Katja Stuke, Cry Minami
3 Photo-Zines, 2016/2018
29,7 × 21 cm


A very special Böhm-issue is part of The Lazlo Reader.
If you get a copy of the magazine, you get your own O.i.F.-Redux.

publications by Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber Sep 1999 – Oct 2010

Oliver Sieber, Imaginary Club
artist book, 2013
432 pages, 21 x 27 cm
Ed. #500
A BoehmKobayashi / GwinZegal Cooperation.
sold out

Oliver Sieber: Imaginary Club 2
bookzine, 2010
12 pages, 27 x 34,5 cm
Ed. #150
EUR 25,–

Oliver Sieber: Imaginary Club 1
bookzine, 2010
offset-print, 24 pages, 21,5 x 28 cm
2nd edition
EUR 25,–

Katja Stuke, Suits vs. Facts & Fiction

artist book, 2008
offset- & inkjet-print
106 pages, 19 x 28 cm
Ed. #150 numbered and signed

One of the »Best Photobooks 2009« selected by Lesley A. Martin/Aperture for Photoeye
EUR 80,–

Katja Stuke, 11 to Liverpool Street
artist book, 2011
48 pages, 30 x 45 cm
Ed. #150 numbered and signed
EUR 35,–

Katja Stuke, Could Be
Kodoji Press 2007
with a text by Christoph Hochhäusler, german/english
offset-print, hardcover
96 pages, 29 x 21,5 cm,
Ed. #500
EUR 45,–

Oliver Sieber, J_Subs
artist book, 2008
offset print
150 pages, 66 colour and 6 b&w plates
with a text: Christoph Schaden
Ed. #150

»Best Photobooks 2009«
selected by Martin Parr & Markus Schaden for Photoeye
sold out

Oliver Sieber, Character Thieves feat. BöhmKobayashi 2007
with a text by Mariko Takeuchi, japanese/english
72 pages, 24 x 33 cm
Ed. #750
EUR 40,–

Katja Stuke, Supernatural
artist book, 2010
28 pages, 28 x 35 cm
Ed. #150 numbered and signed

One of the »Best Photobooks 2009« selected by Bruno Creschel for Photoeye
sold out

Katja Stuke, Mechanical brides
artist book, 2014
208 pages, 15,2 x 22,8 cm
Ed. #150 numbered and signed
EUR 48,–

Katja Stuke, mechanical brides on site
fanzine, 2013
b/w copy
30 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm
EUR 10,–

Katja Stuke, Mechanische Bräute
artist book, 2012
74 pages 22 x 30 cm
Ed. of #20 numbered and signed
Sold out

Katja Stuke, Lonely Planet, 2011
A Guidebook to the Internet
artist book, b/w digital-print
120 pages 12,7 x 20,4 cm
EUR 18,–

Oliver Sieber, Die Blinden
artist’ book/catalogue, 2007
with a text by Kerstin Stremmel
offset-print, hardcover
54 pages, 22,5 x 26,6 cm
EUR 28,–

Oliver Sieber, Deutsch II

artist’ book Kruse Verlag 2002
with an interview by Peter Lindhorst
offset-print, hardcover
72 pages, 21 x 29,7 cm
EUR 19,80

Katja Stuke & Yoshinori Henguchi
Anyone’s Discomfort is Discomfort for me.
20 pages,  21 x 29,7 cm
Ed. #35

sold out

The ANT!FOTO-Manifesto
19 pages, 45,8 x 31,6 cm
Ed. #500

With texts and statements by Manuela Barczewski, Michael Biedowicz, Laura Bielau, Janine Blöß, Sophie Boursat, Ulrike Brückner, Swen Buckner, Ben Burbridge, Olivier Cablat, Charlotte Cotton, Joerg M. Colberg, Christoph Dettmeier, Felix Dobbert, Jason Evans, Martin Fengel, Rainer Gabriel , Stefanie Grebe, Allison Grant, Stephen Gill, Stefanie Haarkamp, Sebastian Hau, Robert Hartmann, Marvin Heiferman, Yoshinori Henguchi, Elmar Hermann, Christoph Hochhäusler, Todd Hido, Iris Maria vom Hof, Anton Ignaz, Mischa Kuball, Thomas W. Kuhn, Karin Krijgsman, Doris Krystof, Christiane Kuhlmann, Jeffrey Ladd, Jason Lazarus, Peter Lindhorst, Thomas Neumann, Gordon MacDonald, Ted Partin, Ulrich Pohlmann, Doug Rickard, Judith Samen, Adrian Sauer, Ken Schles, Joachim Schmid, Sigrid Schneider, Wilhelm Schürmann, Thomas Seelig, Oliver Sieber, Alec Soth, Juergen Staack , Eric Stephanian, Clare Strand, Katja Stuke, Mariko Takeuchi, Anke Volkmer, Thomas Wiegand, Denise Winter, Erik van der Weijde, Duncan Wooldridge, Anna Zika, Damian Zimmermann.
sold out

The BöhmKobayashi Encyclopedia
The photographic univsers of Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
288 pages, b/w offset-print
11 x 15 cm
Ed. #150

Supplementary Issue

84 pages, softcover
b/w digital-print
11 x 15 cm
EUR 25,–

O.i.F. (Origial in Farbe) Director’s Cut, 2003/2009
Portfolio incl. 61 Photographs of Movie Locations
by Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber
61 Pigment Prints
each 16,5 x 22 cm
Numbered and signed
Ed. #10
one edition left
please send an email»» to ask for the price

The ANT!FOTO Magazine #3
with Interviews and Images by: Pia Stadtbäumer, Ted Partin, Ulrike Heydenreich, Jason Evans, Olivier Cablat, Rene Bonsink, Laura Bielau, 80*81 (Georg Diez & Christopher Roth)
20 pages, 31 x 45 cm
Ed. of #400

The ANT!FOTO Magazine #2
with interviews and images by: Ryudai Takano, Lieko Shiga, Yoshinori Henguchi, Nao Nishibata, Ulrike Brückner, Stephen Gill, Jacob Holdt, Adrian Sauer, Juergen Staack
24 pages, 31 x 45 cm
Ed. of #400

The ANT!FOTO Magazine #1
with interviews and images by: Jason Lazarus, Manuela Barczewski, Aleksandra Domanovic, Joachim Schmid, Dean Sameshima, Jeffrey Ladd, Wasink/Lundgren, Marei Wenzel & Iris Czak, Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs
24 pages, 31 x 45 cm
Ed. of #500