»Scan Copy / Copy Scan«
as part of Fire Flies, Malkastenpark, Düsseldorf, Sept. 5, 2023
an exhibition with works by: Alisa Berger, Aljosha Lahner, Johanna Reich, Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber, Ramòn Graefenstein, Mischa Kuball, Ralf Schreiber, Nadine Karl, Friederike Haug, Jonas Monka, Thomas Klein, Frauke Berg, Oliver Gather
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Schwarzes Licht DongGang International Photography Festival, 2023
»Schwarzes Licht« (translated: »Black Light«) consists of several works we created independently or as collaborations during the last years. They explore profound questions about the creation and reality of images, the role of light and reproduction, and delve into various aspects of the photographic process. Considerations related to technique, light, time, printing processes, the distinction between the original and the copy – and the relation between the apparatus and the image.

Special Edition
Katja Stuke, Oliver Sieber, Sven Vieweg
Metastabile Balance
incl. Stuke/Sieber: »Scan Copy/Copy Scan«
2 unique Xerox Prints
numbered and signed
»Transparent People« Soundflakes on 2 infinite cassettes by Sven Vieweg
in a box: 225 x 313 x 20 mm
ed. of #15 copies, numbered and signed
220 EUR

Special Edition
Katja Stuke, Oliver Sieber, Sven Vieweg
Unlimited Ancient Drift Machine
incl. Stuke/Sieber: set of 6 x 2 unique drift prints
Electrohorror: analog drift recording on Micro SD
in collaboration with: MFF (Museum für Fotokopie) / Mülheim 2023
in a box: 225 x 313 x 20 mm
unlimited edition, signed
85 EUR

Equivalents 2017 Kunstraum Düsseldorf, curated by Anja Schürmann
The absence of the representation in the representation is also present in the works, which ‘happened’ in the Leipziger printing house: To adjust the printing machine, old print sheets were again placed in the machine, photos of photos: Black, but compressed, thick black, a color that implies anything seen before. These images, as well as the nightly window tapes of the Mies van der Rohe building in Toronto – which recall the negative strips of an analog film – call up an accusation. As in the depthless surfaces of no longer untouched skies that Katja Stuke photographed in her latest series: Were it clouds which structured the scene for Stieglitz, there are in Stuke’s work not only the civilization remnants of contrails and power lines, but also the colors of the light spectrum, which expands between white and black. It is “more a dance, not a march” in this “abstraction game”.

Equivalents 2017 Kunstraum Düsseldorf, curated by Anja Schürmann

Komori, 2017 pigment print, 81 cm x 101 cm in artist’s frame; edition of 3 + 1 AP

Schwarzes Licht 2019, exhibition at Tina Miyake, Düsseldorf

Oliver Sieber: Mies, Toronto 2004; pigment print, 100 cm x 80 cm in artist’s frame, edition of 8