Please find here more information about special collaboratiove projects by Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber as PDFs for you to download.
Depuis près de 20 ans, le duo d’artistes-photographes allemands Katja Stuke et Oliver Sieber ont tissé des liens particuliers avec le « Deep Japan » à travers les subcultures et l’underground. Dans une approche protéiforme qui se rapproche plus du dialogue que de la documentation, ils questionnent notre idée du Japon et ce que les transformations du territoire laissent présager de l’avenir de la vie urbaine.
»Cartographie dynamique« is a virtual network connecting cities in Japan, Germany, France, China or India with the distinctive photographic works created in each location. Thematic filters are added into the mix, among them Protest, Anarchism, Olympia, Expo, Love Parade, Z.U.S.(Zones urbaines sensibles), and Péripherique.
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Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
Sequence as a Dialogue
Kunsthalle Gießen
With exhibition views and texts by Stefanie Diekmann and Nadia Ismail (german/english)
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Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
Fax from the Library.
Project-Information (english), exhibitions views, Links.
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Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
Schwarzes Licht
Project-Information (english), text by Anja Schürmann (english) exhibitions views.
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Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
Japanese Lesson
Project-Information (english), text by Esther Ruelfs (german) exhibitions views; information about:
»Mash Up« video,
artist book,
»Tokyo no Hate«
»A book to Come«.
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Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
You and Me
Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
O.i.F., Movie Locations
Project-Information (english)