
La Ville Invisible

»La Ville Invisible« in another chapter of the »Cartographie Dynamique« 
by Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber,

La Ville Invisibe, Fondation de l’Allemagne, Maison Heinrich Heine, Cité U, Paris, 2024

Katja Stuke, Oliver Sieber
La Ville Invisible

autumn 2024

340 pages, 167 photographs,
20 x 28 cm, softcover, offset-print

with a text by Jochen Becker (Metrozones Berlin)
and an interview between Ivan Vartanian and Katja Stuke / Oliver Sieber

Since 2017 we photograph the transformation of cities. »These specify some of the unique features of these cities as well as comparable structural elements that they share, which act, for the most part, as catalysts for revolutionary urbanistic developments.«

Observing and documenting the transformations of the landscape, the process of the construction-sites the project deals with the following questions: Can major events like the Olympic Games be accelerators of such urban changes, how much do they contribute to further changing the understanding of private and public space? Do ideas of coming together, exchange, sporting competition still play a central role or are the stadiums, arenas and pavilions just some more ruins of the future?

Stuke/Sieber, La Ville Invisibe
ca. 120 prints in different portfolios
50 x 70 cm, pigment prints