A book to come

A_Future_Book_StukeSieber»Japanese Lesson« by Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber will be part of the exhibition »Photobook Phenomenon« from Mar 17 – Aug 27 2017 at the CCCB in Barcelona.  Curated by: Martin Parr, Gerry Badger, Markus Schaden & Frederic Lezmi, Horacio Fernández, Ryuichi Kaneko, Erik Kessels, Irene de Mendoza and Moritz Neumüller.
In addition, it will feature various contemporary artists who have contributed a genuine vision to the medium and who present in the exhibition a selection of the creative processes involved in producing a photobook: Laia Abril, Julián Barón, Alejandro Cartagena, Jana Romanova, Vivianne Sassen, Thomas Sauvin, and Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber.

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