Les Roncontres d’Arles
Cosmos Croisière
July 3 – Sept 24, 2017
Les Roncontres d’Arles
La Nuit de l’année
July 7, 2017, 6 pm — 3 am
exhibition visit
Cosmos Croisière
July 7, 2017, 2 pm
artist talk
with Christin Krause, Spector Books
July 7, 2017, 3 pm

»You and Me« follows the story of a Bosnian-born refugee who lived in Dusseldorf in the 1990s before moving to the US. The photobook sets up links between Bosnia, Germany, and the US, while also providing a contextual frame for the artists and their relationship to the past. »We didn’t just want to tell a historical story; instead we set out to shift the perspective between the present and the future and generate connections between the three countries using visual material relating to the military, politics, music, and film.« The book includes more than two hundred images organized in twenty-two chapters reflecting the different aspects of the series, as well as five other chapters including research material, background information, some short stories, and a text by Aleksandar Hemon. You and Me won the LUMA Foundation’s Dummy Book Award at the 2016 Les Rencontres de la Photographie Festival in Arles. The project came into being with support from the MoCP Chicago, the Goethe-Institut in Chicago, the Goethe-Institut Sarajevo, Les Rencontres de la Photographie and the LUMA Foundation in Arles.
»You and Me« will be released in Arles as part of »Les Rencontres de la Photographie« festival, with an exhibition, artist talk and booksigning as part of »Cosmos Arles Books« on July 7th, 2017.

Katja Stuke, Oliver Sieber
You and Me
A Project between Bosnia, Germany and the US
458 pp., with 115 black/white images, 235 colour,
22+5 saddle-stitched booklets in a box
Language(s): Bosnian, French, German, English
ISBN: 9783959051316
Spector Books, Leipzig, 2017
34,– EUR
more information, more images, order»»
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We are very happy that »You and Me« won the LUMA Rencontres Dummy Book Award Arles 2016»»
»You and Me, A project between Bosnia, Germany and the US« by Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber is a deep and complex body of work about displacement, the Balkan Wars, migration, identity, Germany, USA, religion, and more. But yet, it is also the story of a woman, and her life guides us through all this major, urgent topics. The dummy book is ambitious, extremely well structured, compelling and moving. It has all the ingredients to be their masterpiece. – Elisa Medde (FOAM), jury member